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Non-Performance Policy

Termination_Non Performance_Policy

Termination based on Non Performance is executed when an employee has failed to deliver the output as expected in his role assignment.
Termination is opted when an employee has failed inspite of defined warnings as per “Termination Policy”.

HR defines the degree’s for all the levels to be practised. - “Termination Policy”.Before executing the termination letter based on non performance one need to take the following points in consideration as per “Termination Policy”.

  1. Written Reprimand
      1. Probation Period

  • An employee is on probation for six months; manager need to have two formal feedback session within the stipulated timeline. – Responsible Holder: Reporting Manager + HR representative.
  • In case of “Extension Of Probation” on the basis of not upto mark performance – A letter to be issued by HR on intimation from the reporting manager.

      1. Counselling Session

  • A session with the concern employee to be conducted by the manager in asociation with the HR representative as per the “Termination Policy”.
  • All the required areas to be discussed in detail prescribing alongwith the timeline as well, and a support to be extended by the manager. 

  1. Written Warning
      1. Show Cause Notice 

  • In case the employee is not able to perform as discussed during the counselling session then manager needs to issue a first “Show Cause Notice” to the employee prescribed with a timeline of 15 days for improvement. – To be filed in Personal File.
  • All the areas that need to be worked upon have to be mentioned in detail. – To be filed in Personal File.

  • Manager to closely monitor the performance & record the same.
  • In case of no improvement second ”Show Cause Notice” to be issued to employee prescribed with the last timeline for 15 days to improve.- To be filed in Personal File. 

  1. Final Written Warning
      1. Termination Letter 

  • After all discussions & warning still there is no improvement in performance then a request for termination of services needs to be sent to HR represenative for issuing the Termination Letter.
  • Manager needs to initiate the request with approval from HOD – then to HR.- All the required documents to be submitted to HR for further processing.
  • HR needs to have final go ahead from the HR Head.
  • HR to send the hard copies of letter to manager for despatching to the employee.

 Important Points

  • Practice of policy as per the guidelines – Responsible Holder :- HOD + HR representative
  • All the communication with respect to the concern areas of an employee to be documented by respective reporting manager.
  • Familiarize the Reporting Managers / HODs with the different HR policies – Responsible Holder: - Head HR + HR representative.
  • As per Termination Policy” all the documents / process has been executed by the manager – Responisble Holder:- HR representative.
  • In case of any gap by the manager process need to be initiated again from the skipped level.
  • Formats to be shared with the Team Managers.- Responsible Holder:- HR representative.
  • The warning and dismissal process must allow the employee to offer their view of the events concerned. The employee must have every chance to defend himself/herself and has the right to appeal a decision made. If this process is not followed the dismissal may be overturned by an Industrial Relations authority.
  • Visit the link for Show Cause Notice Format for Non-Performance.