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Workplace Bullying

A nuisance called workplace bullying
April 27, 2015


Workplace bullying is a universal phenomenon and occurs due to fear not respect. It is an unavoidable aspect, an outcome of one’s negativity though sensitive and need to be tackle wisely. Purely an inception of human behavior which cannot be enforce as it is by one’s own choice. It can come from the superior in the form of increased workload, late sittings, passing information top – down only, emancipate on others their aggressions, Peer/s gossiping about other’s life, passing comments, demotivate people from improvising / working on their weak area, laughing on others imperfection.
Ideology behind it is to make everyone think superior about the bully. Bully are the people who are themselves victim of life i.e. Case1: Middle level manager being informed by the management regarding his team’s performance and the delivery output is not satisfactory – in return manager targeting the soft spoken person among the team by offloading his aggressions.
Case2: An employee who is not academically qualified for the assigned profile. But manages well by developing good networking with his peers and manager. His nature from being understanding gets transformed to that of bullying on the entry of a new entrant who is young and possess the skills as per profile requirement.
Many such more scenarios can lead to workplace bullying.


Universally no prescribed formal definition of Workplace bullying has been defined. However based on the understanding grasp from the environment it is one of the type of personality trait which is negative in nature and being practice socially. A trait which is an outcome of one’s own aggressions that tend to hurt people around making them feel low about themselves.
Characterized by:
Normally it is repetitive in nature and there is no time duration for its existence wherein the target lacks to confront the abuser.

Characterized Relationships:

Workplace bullying is not restricted to specific level, age, gender. It occurs in the following forms:
  1. Superior – Subordinate:
  2. among co-peers:
  3. Employer – Customers
  4. Organizational System – Employee
It has different forms such as:


     a. Groupism – Group of people victimizing one employee or a group of people
     b. Habitual – A person habituated to bully others and get away with it.
     c. With Aggression – Superiors offload  their aggression on subordinates 
     d. Verbal - A peer / peers trying to take hold of other’s life by interfering as in how to  behave?
          What to say?
     e.  Physical -  Jokingly punching a peer.
     f.  Virtual - Usually done to justify the reason for not doing the work within the stipulated timeframe.
     g.  Systematic Procedures – Organization assigning employees’ with unrealistic targets, justify the performance of an employee.
     h.Gossiping - Tittle – Tattle to malign someone’s image out of anger / jealousy.
     i. Kiss Up, Kick down - It is a neologism where the middle level people are polite and nice to the  management and not with the lower level.

Reason of its existence:
Its existence purely depends on the personality traits of people who constitutes to play with their mind flow to harm / trouble others.
Traits could be:
  1. Superiority Complex
  2. Impulsive nature
  3. Egotism
  4. Silent Spectators
  5. Company Strategy
  6. Manager Informant

a) Superiority Complex: “A superiority complex is a cover up for an inferiority complex.” – by Alfred Adler
Workplace bullying is a baby of human mind which is born to overcome one’s inferiority and something that cannot be taught. It is a type of personality trait which occurs out of fear to be last in the ‘herd of sheep's’ , with the entry of new entrants, for career progressions, jealousy with the peer etc.

b) Impulsive nature – A person not able to handle his / her temperament and spontaneously discharge it on subordinates or peers.
c) Egotism – Self centered people tend to move things / people as per their thought process. 
d) Silent Spectators – People who don’t tend to victimise others  but support being silent to the  abusers from saving oneself from becoming another victim of workplace bullying.
e)Company Strategy - Company’s act to adapt the change as per market trend resulting in delay pay, cut-off in bonus and downsizing.
f) Manager Informant -  People to be in good books of manager pass information about others’ even the casual talks projecting as the people are not being sensitive towards each other.

Workplace bullying does not impact any individual or only the organization but its effect is overall, which is not a good sign for the growth of the organization.
  1. Bullying is run through in the system affecting people’s productivity which distresses the organizations throughput.
  2.  Culture of the organization also gets affected resulting in bitterness making the system unhealthy.
  3. Deviations in the committed timelines.
  4. Affects the learning curve of employee.
  5. Rise in attrition rate.
  6. Additional cost incurred on hiring & training the new entrants.
  7. Stress which leads to depression and in worse scenario suicide.
  8. Claim for health insurances
  9. Rise in Absenteeism
  10. Impact on work qualitative as well as quantitative wise.
  11. Interpersonal communications
  12.  Anxiety
  13. Self - confidence
  14. Trust

Organization need to be strong with the in house policies as the weaker authority thrives such activity in the system. People are the biggest asset for any organization so the priority needs to be on people connect. However the following measures will help in controlling the workplace bullying:
  1. Understand the workplace bullying
  2. Take an action by saying ‘to stop’ to the bully.
  3. In severe scenario discuss it with the manager / HR.
  4. Implement zero tolerance bullying policy in the organization.
  5. Organization to focus on team building.
  6. Superiors to observe, understand and hear from the horse’s mouth then call for action rather being weak of ears.
  7. Design ‘People Project Advocate ’programme to channelize the idle time and energy of the employees’.
  8. Be courageous to become the witness.
  9. Strong connect to be developed between Management – HR – People.