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Jute Items

We are here to help you know about a material called “Jute”, which is second in being widely used after cotton. Jute is a natural fiber...

Adapting Changes - Working Women

Gigantic companies have taken steps to break their folklore for Women employees’, from preventing the latter to drop out from the workforce. By increasing the number of weeks for maternity break; making security enabled provisions to work from home; is a step towards acknowledging Women’s credibility as an employee. The said changes are being appreciated by people around but still there are literate people who think that  such incorporation will make the work place like ‘walk in the park’ for women and in the worst scenario latter has to face nastiest remarks such as “Why don’t she leave the job?” , “What’s the need to work?”It hurts, isn’t it? Indian society has adapted the custom of having a working daughter-in-law; daughter; wife but they are still struggling to come to terms of being demanding with respect to household chores as well as upbringing of children. It’s like grabbing the opportunity and making a choice but the outcome is not satisfactory. A rebellious behavior to not change the thought process of being conservative towards women. Society need to ‘move the cheese’ by adapting the changes and giving women space to grow in life accordingly.
Believe, we are a stone’s throw away in moving the cheese completely from the society as companies are in process of taking initiatives towards women development. Recently, it is Amazon who has formed the women courier delivering station in Kerala [team consists of 7 women], it’s a first kind of experiment and the feedback is positive.Read here @

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