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Jute Items

We are here to help you know about a material called “Jute”, which is second in being widely used after cotton. Jute is a natural fiber...

Activities Preschoolers - II

Leisure Activities - Pre Schoolers
Being a working mother, I always long to spend quality of time with my daughter. I love to rejoice doing coloring ;  art n craft and writing with my daughter. These activities help me understand the creative side of my child.

One such opportunity comes during summer vacation, when she gets her holiday homework.

This years book had activities as:

a) Reinforcement of cursive letters from a - f and drawing six objects / paste six pictures starting with the respective letters. To give an understanding of basic drawing to my daughter I preferred drawing objects over pasting pictures.

Thoroughly enjoyed doing the activities with her. Sharing here the snapshots:

Pen Whizz