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Jute Items

We are here to help you know about a material called “Jute”, which is second in being widely used after cotton. Jute is a natural fiber...

Born Artist - Roshini

Art is an expression of human mind’s emotions and technical skills. For children education’s advocates, that art is a panacea. Painting boosts concentration in children and helps them express their creativeness that are the reworking of imaginations they have acquired. Even preschools emphasizes more on art curriculum as the activity helps in developing the dexterity in children, required for writing.

Provided with blank canvas children get an opportunity to experiment with brushstrokes which benefits them in evolving as a strong decision makers. We bring you one such story of a girl, named Roshini, who is set out to make her own place in the world of strangers. Regardless of life being tough with her she has grown as proficient artist with a dream to fly high as sky is the limit.

Roshini, a 12 year old, is a born sketch artist. Since the age of 3 she has been playing with paint brushes, crayons and charcoal pencils. Her artistry is in sketches as well as coloring. Roshini used to teach children but due to studies she has taken a break but not from what she does the best – Sketching.

After years of hard work she has reached a level of adeptness, without any professional guidance, that cannot be matched with. Her “jaw dropping” work has taken a place in our hearts as well as in the blog’s display place.

We wish Roshini all the best for all her future endeavors.

Pen Whizz